type EncodeOptions: object;
Configures assets encoding.
Type declaration
cover: object | null;
Configure cover generation. By default, a tiny blurred webp cover is generated from source content and embedded as base64-encoded data for image HTML, which is shown while the source content is lazy-loading; specify null
to disable cover generation.
dense: object | null;
Configure dense files generation, that is variants with x the resolution of the main content shown on high-dpi displays. Dense variants are generated when either global or per-asset spec "width" option is specified with value less than the source content width by x or more; x is configured via 'factor' parameter; assign null
to disable dense generation.
main: object;
Configure main encoded file generation, ie file to replace source content in the built HTML.
specs: EncodeSpecMap;
Encode parameters mapped by source content MIME type; matched in order.
suffix: string;
Tag to append to the names of generated main files; @main
by default.
root: string;
Local directory to store encoded content and generated files, such as covers; ./public/imgit/encoded
by default.
safe: object | null;
Configure safe files generation, that is fallbacks used in case source content is not considered compatible with legacy or any browsers, such as AVIF or PSD; specify null
to disable.