Getting Started
Make sure ffmpeg version 6.0 or later is available in system path. You can either build from source or install from a package manager:
apt install ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg
choco install ffmpeg
It's possible to swap ffmpeg with an alternative solution (eg, remote encoding service) via probe and encode hooks, allowing to use imgit in constraint environments, such as edge runtimes.
Install imgit as a dev dependency from NPM:
npm install -D imgit
yarn add -D imgit
pnpm add -D imgit
bun add -D imgit
When using any of the supported web frameworks continue on the dedicated page:
In case your framework is not on the list, but supports Vite plugins, continue on Vite.
Otherwise, use imgit directly to transform source documents. For example, giving following ./index.html
<html lang="en">
<!-- Import imgit CSS (usually bundled with other stylesheets). -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<!-- Specify media content as markdown images (syntax is configurable). -->

<!-- Import imgit module (usually bundled with other client-side JS). -->
<script type="module" src=""></script>
Run following script:
import { boot, transform, exit } from "imgit/server";
import fs from "node:fs/promises";
// Configure imgit server. In this case we're setting width threshold
// to 800px, so that when content is larger it'll be scaled down,
// while high-res original will still be shown on high-dpi displays.
await boot({ width: 800 });
// Read sample HTML document with images and video referenced
// via markdown image tags: . The format can be changed
// in boot config, for example to capture custom JSX tags instead.
const input = await fs.readFile("./index.html", { encoding: "utf8" });
// Run the imgit transformations over sample HTML content.
// This will capture images and video syntax, fetch the remote files,
// encode them to AV1/AVIF, generate covers, dense and safe variants
// when necessary, serve generated files (in this minimal case we just
// write them to 'public' directory; usually you'd upload to a CDN) and
// return transformed content where captured syntax is replaced with
// <picture> and <video> HTML tags referencing generated files.
const output = await transform(input);
// Write the transformed HTML under 'public' directory.
await fs.writeFile("./public/index.html", output);
// Shutdown imgit server. Will cache the results of the transform
// operations, such as probing results, encoding profiles, generated covers
// and parameters of the source files. On consequent runs the server will
// skip most operations in case the cache is valid and source file is not
// modified. Cache files are written under 'public/imgit' directory (can be
// changed in boot config).
await exit();
Find minimal sample on using imgit directly with Deno runtime on GitHub:
Find available configuration options in the API reference. For available extension points (hooks), check out plugins guide.